POE Team Interest

We are thrilled you are interested in serving on a future SAGE POE team! Thanks to the support of our generous sponsor(s), all travel-related expenses are covered for POE team members.

Each year, our POE team leaders do their best to assemble a multidisciplinary team whose strengths/area(s) of focus/experience align with the design goals of the subject site. They try to have a mix of both experienced and new team members, and will review the submissions of all interested parties to determine the best fit.

Your submission will be reviewed for all future POEs in the foreseeable future. No need to resubmit unless the information you submitted needs to be updated with new contact information or experience.

POE Team Interest
I understand that if I am selected to be a member of the SAGE POE Team I will be required to complete research compliance training through the Collaborative Institutional Training Initiative (CITI) and obtain certification for IRB Researchers and personnel on IRB protocols, Responsible Conduct of Research, Human Subjects Research (HSR): Vulnerable Subjects – Research Involving Workers/ Employees, and HSR: Research with Older Adults. This training will be made available to me free of charge but must be completed before the site visit.
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